Feeling Inspired by The Little Things

In my last blog I proudly announced a relaunch of Little Things TLC. I am embarrassed to say that since then we have only published one further blog – this is not a reflection of us not caring about Little Things, it is more about other priorities in life getting in the way and perhaps of us not focusing enough on the Little Things that we care about.

But two things have happened since our last blog in August…

I have been on a leadership programme where we were encouraged to reflect on what really matters to us as individuals. For me Little Things is one of those things- I truly believe in truly patient focussed care and that it is often the little things we do that make the most difference- what often makes the biggest difference to patients experience is the gestures, kindness and compassion we show alongside the actual delivery of clinical care. If we can prompt one clinician to reflect and make a difference to one patient’s day through our blog, I believe it is worth us spending some time on it!

The other thing that has happened is thatlast month I attend an IHI (Institute of Healthcare Improvement) event in Brussels. One of the speakers spoke about #mangomoments, and Vivian’s storyMany people in the audience, many working at high levels within their organisations, were moved to tears. What they’re trying to do through #mangomoments is very similiar to what we are trying to do with Little Things- to promote ‘small unexpected acts or gestures’ within our health system. We want to prompt clinicians and leaders in our health and social care system to focus on what matters to patients, to focus on making these seemingly little things happen, because they may be the big thing most affecting our patients. They are trying to raise the profile of this- each of us on our own may have limited reach- but maybe if a few individuals, organisations, campaigns are highlighting very similar things, it just might have an impact. And so it promoted me to revisit and reignite our Little Things blog!

One of my promises to myself from my leadership course was to try and write a blog a month in 2019. I might have missed January and February but it is never too late to implement a change. So here is March’s blog! And also my commitment to you – that Little Things will publish at least one blog every month in 2019! Reflecting on my previous blogs on New Years resolutions – resolutions are more likely to succeed if made public!

So that is my promise.

What is yours? Maybe start by watching #mangomoments. Then think about what the Little Thing is that you could do – something you could do differently tomorrow, or once a week, or every day….

Please tell us about your Little Thing- you can tweet at @littlethingsTLC, post on our Facebook page (Little Things TLC) or send us an email (littlethingstlc@gmail.com).

Remember it’s rhe Little Things that might just make a big difference. Let’s make 2019 a year of kindness!


Laura Stuart-Neil is Lead for Quality Improvement and Lead for Allied Health Professionals at NELFT



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